Thursday 17 June 2010

DAY 2: All that glitters is not gold

So I walk onto the shop floor ,my supervisor is telling me to do this and do that.

**Trickzie is not understanding a word he is saying with his highly fresh Indian accent***

so I asked him to repeat himself; then i understood...the third time!!!!!

Kool I’m in charge of the bags now **SIGH** where are the ethics for this store. They put out all the stock not even allowing the buyer to see the items ..this place reminds me of hundreds and thousands in a jar… EVERYTHING JUST EVERYWHERE.

DOING THE JOB: So I pick up a bag the glitter drops off, I pick up a bag,the handle POPS off . These items have the life span of a gastrotrich*; 3days.(look it up)

I want to look like the hard worker that I am but these customers are not making it easy for me. I tidy one section 5 mins later it is messy again.

At the end of the shift my feet are pulsating, throbbing, swelling AND I HAVE A MIGRAINE + A TEMPERATURE. When I reach home I have a shower and drop dead in bed

Gastrotich* (a minute aquatic animal) lives the shortest three days.

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